Distance Education Theories
Distance education is defined to have four components:
- institution-based (not self-study)
- separation, either geographically or by time, between the instructor and students
- learning unit is connected by telecommunications
- consists of a learning group or community that shares ideas
Simonson's Emerging Theory of Distance Education
Distance education is equivalent to traditional education. While not identical, learning outcomes are equivalent if distance education courses are properly designed. The basis for Simonson’s equivalency theory is that learning experiences should be equivalent, rather than identical regardless of whether the learner is in a traditional or distant setting. For example, a triangle and square may be equivalent in area, but they are different shapes.

The field of distance education is still emerging and this is evident in the numerous theories that have been presented in this area. Keegan classified theories of distance education into three groups:
- Theories of independence and autonomy
- Theories of industrialization of teaching
- Theories of interaction and communication
American Theory of Independent Study
Wedemeyer, a professor from the University of Wisconsin, considered the independence of the student as the essence of distance education (Keegan 1986). This was reflected in Wedemeyer's preference for the term "independent study" for distance education at the college or university level. He was critical of contemporary patterns of higher education, believing that outdated concepts of learning and teaching were being employed. Wedemeyer felt that these concepts failed to utilize modern technologies in ways that could alter an institution. He set forth a system of distance education that includes ten characteristics which emphasize learner independence and the adoption of technology as a way of implementing it. According to Wedemeyer, the system should:
- Be capable of operating any place where there are students---even only one student------whether or not there are teachers at the same place, at the same time;
- Place greater responsibility for learning on the student;
- Free faculty members from custodial-type duties so that more time can be given to truly educational tasks;
- Offer students and adults wider choices (more opportunities) in courses, formats, and methodologies;
- Use, as appropriate, all the teaching media and methods proven effective;
- Mix and combine media and methods so that each subject or unit within a subject is taught in the best way known;
- Cause the redesign and development of courses to fit into an articulated media program;
- Preserve and enhance opportunities for adaptation to individual differences;
- Evaluate student achievement simply, not by raising barriers regarding the place, rate, method, or sequence of student study; and
- Permit students to start, stop, and learn at their own pace.
After examining a research base that included an extensive analysis of the European distance teaching organizations of the 1960s, Peters (1988) proposed that distance education could be analyzed by comparison with the industrial production of goods. Peters stated that from many points of view, conventional, oral, group-based education was a pre-industrial form of education, implying that distance teaching could not have existed before the industrial era. Based on economic and industrial theory, Peters proposed the following new categories (terminology) for the analysis of distance education:
- Rationalization: the use of methodical measures to reduce the required amount of input of power, time, and money.
- Division of labor: the division of a task into simpler components or subtasks.
- Mechanization: the use of machines in a work process. Peters noted that distance education would be impossible without machines.
- Assembly line: a method of work in which workers remain station ary while objects they are working on move past them. In traditional distance education programs, materials for both teacher and student are not the product of one individual.
- Mass production: the production of goods in large quantities. Because demand outstrips supply at colleges and universities, there has been a trend toward large-scale operations.
- Preparatory work: determining how workers, machines, and materials can usefully relate to each other during each phase of the production process. The success of distance education depends on a preparatory phase.
- Planning: the system of decisions that determines an operation prior to its being carried out.
- Organization: creating general or permanent arrangements for purpose-oriented activity. Organization makes it possible for students to receive predetermined instructional units at appointed times.
- Scientific control methods: methods by which work processes are analyzed systematically, particularly by time studies, and in accordance with the results obtained from measurements and empirical data.
- Formalization: the predetermination of the phases of the manufacturing process. In distance education, all the points in the cycle must be determined exactly.
- Standardization: the limitations of manufacture to a restricted number of types of one product to make these more suitable for their purpose, cheaper to produce, and easier to replace.
- Change of function: the change of the role or job of the worker in the production process. The original role of knowledge provider as lecturer is divided into those of study unit author and marker.
- Objectification: the loss, in the production process, of the subjective element that had previously determined work to a considerable degree. In distance education most teaching functions are objectified.
- Concentration and centralization: because of the large amount of capital required for mass production and the division of labor, there has been a movement toward large industrial concerns with a concentration of capital, a centralized administration, and a market that is monopolized.
Theories of Interaction and Communication
Holmberg’s theory of interaction and communication states that the effectiveness of distance education directly relates to the emotional connectedness the learner has to the instructor and learning unit. This consequently increases student pleasure and motivation. While Holmberg admits this is a “leaky theory,” I agree with it because I have personally experienced it. When students’ emotional needs are met through effective interaction with the instructor, other students and rapport is built, students feel safer to take risks which increases the likelihood of experiential learning instances.
1960s | Otto Peters (Germany) | Theory of Industrialization of Teaching | Distance education can be analyzed by comparing it with industrial production of goods. Proposed a bunch of new terms to use when analyzing distance ed that all relate to industrialization.Basically, we can apply industrial thinking to distance ed, like division of labor as important or that the effectiveness of learning depends of planning and organizing. |
1970s | Michael Moore | Theory of Independent Study/Transactional distance | Distance ed = “independent study”His theory is a classification method for distance education programs by examining the amount of learner autonomy and the distance between teacher and learner. Distance ed is about dialog (communication) and structure (how does program respond to needs of learner?). |
1985 | Börje Holmberg | Theory of Interaction and Communication | Distance ed = “Guided Didactic Conversation”Basically, if learners feel a part of a learning community/dialogue and emotionally involved they are more motivated to learn |
1990? | Malcolm Knowles | Andragogy(which means the method and practice of teaching adult learners) | the attainment of adulthood is connected to how adults perceive themselves as self- directing individualsA theory all about what adults need to be successful in distance ed like mutual respect, safe spaces, minimal criticism, lots of support, specific guidelines.. (seems like what all learners need….) |
1996 | Desmond Keegan | Actually framework for creating theories of distance ed | Answer three ?’s before developing a theory of distance ed:1. Is dist ed an educational activity?2. Is dist ed a form a conventional ed?3. Is dist ed possible?Teaching acts time/place separate from learning act time/place: to be successful, two acts must be reintegratedsuggests 5 changes to normal structure to do so (industrialization, privatization, administrative, building, cost), and three hypotheses from his framework:1. dis ted students drop out of programs that don’t do the above2. dis ted students don’t achieve good learning when the above does not happen3. status of dist ed will be questioned when above are not met |
?? | Hilary Perraton | (Synthesizing existing theories) | 14 hypotheses/statements from existing theories of ed and communicationFirst 5 about how distance ed can maximize learning (cheaper, more accessible, can teach anything)4 about needing to increase dialog (dialog helps facilitate)5 about method (multimedia more effective than single, systems approach helpful, feedback necessary, do more than read/watch/listen, ENGAGE) |
2015 | Simonson | Theory of Equivalency | The experiences of the local learner and the distant learner should have equivalent value even though these experiences might be quite different |
Sources: http://www.c3l.uni-oldenburg.de/cde/found/simons99.html
Simonson, M. R., Smaldino, S. E., & Zvacek, S. (2015). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education (6th ed.).
M Acosta (classmate in EDIT 5370; Summer 2018)
M Acosta (classmate in EDIT 5370; Summer 2018)
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